Next city election: November 4, 2025
Mayor Shirley Nolen and Commissioner Alison Heinemeir's current terms will be up at this time. The window to file for a place on the ballot will be Saturday, July 19, 2025 - Monday, August 18, 2025 at 5pm.
Candidates for office must be age 18 or older, and have resided in Kingsbury city limits for at least 6 months. Candidates must be a resident of Texas for 12 months. They also must be registered voters in Guadalupe County as of the filing deadline. Candidates must not have been convicted of a felony unless they have been pardoned.
Applications are available here and will be available on the bulletin board outside of the Kingsbury Volunteer Fire Department, 1060 FM 1104 closer to the filing window this summer. Applications can be left in the drop-box on the bulletin board, emailed to cityclerk@kingsburytexas.org or mailed to:
City of Kingsbury
PO Box 99
Kingsbury, TX 78638
More important dates for Texas elections here.
Learn about our city officials here.
You can see city meeting notices, minutes, and video links here.
City Commission meetings are also streamed live to our Facebook and Youtube pages.
See what city officials are discussing and get in the conversation at the Message Board!
Kingsbury Government Org Chart

Elections & City Structure
The City of Kingsbury, Texas is a Type C General Law city incorporated under the provisions of Chapter 7 of the Texas Local Government Code. First established in 1875, the election to incorporate passed by a landslide vote of 66–2 on May 9, 2015 and the order to declare Kingsbury a municipality was signed by County Judge Kyle Kutscher on May 19, 2015. The City is managed by the Kingsbury City Commission which consists of an elected Mayor and 2 elected City Commissioners. City elections are held on the general election day in November for expiring four-year terms for these volunteer positions. There is no limit to the number of terms an elected official can serve. Currently, there is one paid staff position held by the city clerk (part-time hours).

The Commission enacts policies, adopts ordinances and resolutions, and establishes the annual budget to provide services to the public and conduct the city. All Commission meetings are open to the public. Citizens are encouraged to attend and participate in City Government! The Kingsbury City Commission meets at 6:30 p.m. on the third Monday of each month. The current location for these meetings is the Kingsbury Volunteer Fire Department at 1060 FM 1104 in Kingsbury.