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Do you have property in the Kingsbury area and would like it to be included in the Kingsbury City Limits?
Now it can be!
Simply print a Voluntary Annexation Petition, sign and have it notarized, then return it to:
City of Kingsbury
P. O. Box 99
Kingsbury, TX 78638
Property has to be touching already existing city limits to be annexed immediately. But a petition can be submitted for any property and once the city limits reaches it, the steps can then be taken by the City Commission to make it part of Kingsbury.
Is your property in the extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ) of Seguin and you would like it to be released? You can now make that happen by submitting a Release From ETJ petition. You can find more info on ETJ removal here.
Have questions?
(323) 546-4728
or contact us by email
Click to see Voluntary Annexation Petition and print:
Click to see Release From Seguin ETJ Petition and print:
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