Article in the November Seguin Gazette
(click picture to see article -->)
Kingsbury Fall Harvest Festival
The November 9, 2017 issue of the Seguin Gazette had an article on the Kingsbury Fall Harvest Festival that was held November 4th in downtown Kingsbury.
Article in the September Texas Co-Op Power Magazine
(click picture to see article -->)
Kingsbury - Where Art and Agriculture Meet
The September 2017 issue of the Texas Co-Op Power Magazine had a great article on Kingsbury and the Habitable Spaces farm and artist residency founded by Alison and Shane Heinemeier.
Picture in the June 9, 2016 Seguin Gazette (click for more detail -->)
Community Builders Award
The Kingsbury Lodge awarded Mayor Shirley Nolen with the Community Builder Award on April 12, 2016.
The Community Builder Award was designed by the Grand Lodge Texas to enable a Lodge to recognize outstanding non-Masons who have distinguished themselves through their service to the community, to the local, state or national government, to their house of worship, or to humanity. Thus, the award is presented to individuals who, although they have never been initiated into Masonry, have followed the same precepts, ideals and standards that have been established for Masonic behavior.
Article in the December 30, 2015 Seguin Gazette
Kingsbury Is #5 Top Story of 2015
The incorporation of Kingsbury is listed as #5 in the Top 10 stories of 2015 in Guadalupe County in this Seguin Gazette article. Read article.
Article by Jessica Kuhn in the Seguin Gazette Tuesday, November 24, 2015.
The First Kingsbury City Commission
The first ever Kingsbury City Commission Meeting was held Saturday, November 21, 2015. All elected and appointed officials were sworn in, and the first ordinances of the City of Kingsbury were passed. Senator Judith Zaffirini attended the proceedings and presented gifts to the City Commission. Read article.

Seguin Gazette Nov. 24, 2015

Senator Zaffirini presents Mayor Nolen with new gavel.

Alison Heinemier becomes Mayor Pro Tem of Kingsbury.

Seguin Gazette Nov. 24, 2015
Article by Zeke McCormack in the San Antonio Express-News Monday, September 21, 2015. (click to read story -->)
New City of Kingsbury Officials!
This is an article about the new officials for the City of Kingsbury.
Documents released by the Guadalupe County Commissioners Court Tuesday, September 15, 2015 (click to see documents -->)
Guadalupe County Commissioners Court Declares Election Cancelled and Candidates Elected!
The Commissioners Court voted to accept the County Judge's certification of unopposed candidates and to issue an order declaring the elction for the City of Kingsbury cancelled and the unopposed candidates elected.
Article by Cindy Aguirre-Herrera in the Seguin Daily News Tuesday, September 15, 2015 (click to read story-->)
County Court to Cancel COK Election
All candidates for City of Kingsbury offices run unopposed and the Guadalup County Court can therefore cancel the election.
Opionion piece in the Seguin Gazette newspaper Wednesday, May 20, 2015 (click to enlarge -->)
ETJ Choice a Possibility?
An OpEd piece by the Seguin Gazette editorial staff on Seguin's ETJ and Kingsbury.

Article by Ron Maloney in the Seguin Gazette newspaper Wednesday, May 20, 2015 (click to enlarge -->)
Kingsbury Officially a City!!
This is the article on the front page of the Wednesday, May 20th, 2015 edition of the Seguin Gazette regarding the Guadalupe County Commissions Court's unanimous decision to accept the election results and officially declare Kingsbury the newest city in Texas!
Happy Birthday Kingsbury!!

Seguin Gazette May 20, 2015. Headline - "Kingsbury officially declared a city"

Seguin Gazette May 20, 2015 page 2

Seguin Gazette May 20, 2015. Headline - "Kingsbury officially declared a city"
Article by Ron Maloney in the Seguin Gazette newspaper Sunday, May 10, 2015 (click to enlarge -->)
Kingsbury Wins Incorporation!!
This is the article on the front page of the Sunday, May 10th, 2015 edition of the Seguin Gazette on the election results for the incorporation of Kingsbury.
Thanks yet again to Ron Maloney for keeping Kingsbury and it's efforts on the front page - you are the best!
We Voted For Kingsbury!!

Seguin Gazette May 10, 2015 - Headline "Kingsbury now a city"

Seguin Gazette "Kingsbury now a city" page 2

Seguin Gazette May 10, 2015 - Headline "Kingsbury now a city"
Article by Ron Maloney and Felida Frazar in the Seguin Gazette newspaper Sunday, April 26, 2015
(click to enlarge -->)
Kingsbury Incorporation Voting
This is an article on the front page of the Sunday, April 26th edition of the Seguin Gazette on elections in Guadalupe County - of course including the Kingsbury Incorporation election!
Thanks, again, to Ron Maloney for keeping Kingsbury and it's efforts on the front page - both literally and figuratively.
Vote For Kingsbury!!

Pg 1 of article in the Sunday Seguin Gazette regarding Kingsbury Incorporation and other elections.

Pg 2 of article in the Sunday Seguin Gazette regarding Kingsbury Incorporation and other elections.

Pg 1 of article in the Sunday Seguin Gazette regarding Kingsbury Incorporation and other elections.
Article by Anthony Zurcher on
(click to jump to article -->)
Anthony Zurcher, BBC Senior North America Reporter for the BBC, met with several members of the Kingsbury Incorporation Steering Committee March 17th (see below) and published this article on
The Texas 'liberty cities' rebellion
Texas is known for its low taxes and limited government - but its big cities look a lot like big cities anywhere, with their own rules and regulations. As they spread across the neighbouring countryside, some unhappy rural residents are drawing a line in the sand.
Article from the Texas Public Policy Foundation
(click to enlarge -->)
Article by Jess Fields, Senior Policy Analyst for the Texas Public Policy Foundation -- The Liberty City: A New Concept for Self-Covernance.
Jess Fields distributed this information when he spoke at the Seguin Heritage Organizaiton meeting on March 24th.
It's a very informative document on the Liberty Cities Movement.

Describe your image here

Describe your image here

Commissioners Endorse Kingsbury Cityhood Election!
(click to enlarge -->)
Article in Seguin Gazette March 19th, 2015
SEGUIN -- It's official.
Kingsbury area voters will have an opportunity in May to decide whether they will become Guadalupe County's newest city.
County Commissioners voted Tuesday to ratify County Judge Kyle Kutscher's Feb. 27 decision to set an election on Saturday, May 9, to determine whether the region east of Seguin will be able to become a class C general law municipality.

Article in Seguin Gazette about the County Commissioners ratifying the cityhood election for Kingsbury, Texas

Article in Seguin Gazette about the County Commissioners ratifying the cityhood election for Kingsbury, Texas

Article in Seguin Gazette "Seguin Scene" section regarding the Judge's order for inforporation election for Kingsbury, Texas

Article in Seguin Gazette about the County Commissioners ratifying the cityhood election for Kingsbury, Texas
Coming Soon!
Article on
Members of the Kingsbury Incorporation Committee met with Anthony Zurcher, Senior North America Reporter for the BBC, to discuss Kingsbury, Liberty Cities, KIC efforts, and the plans for the future.

Anthony Zurcher, Senior North American Reporter for the BBC, meeting with Ann Bertling, Bob Grafe, George Hext, and Shirley Nolen. regarding Kingsbury, Texas

Anthony Zurcher, Senior North American Reporter for the BBC, meeting with Ann Bertling, Bob Grafe, George Hext, and Shirley Nolen. regarding Kingsbury, Texas

Anthony Zurcher, Senior North American Reporter for the BBC, meeting with Ann Bertling, Bob Grafe, George Hext, and Shirley Nolen. regarding Kingsbury, Texas

Anthony Zurcher, Senior North American Reporter for the BBC, meeting with Ann Bertling, Bob Grafe, George Hext, and Shirley Nolen. regarding Kingsbury, Texas
News story on Time Warner Cable News March 10th (click on image to play):
Thanks to John Salazar with TWCN for covering
Kingsbury's story!
Article by Zeke MacCormack in San Antonio Express-News
March 9th (click to enlarge):
Kingsbury and Seguin

Kingsbury and Seguin - page 1 of article in San Antonio Express-News March 9th, 2015.

Kingsbury and Seguin - page 2 of article in San Antonio Express-News March 9th, 2015.

Kingsbury and Seguin - page 1 of article in San Antonio Express-News March 9th, 2015.
Article by Jess Fields in Seguin Gazette March 8th (click to enlarge):
Kingsbury May Well Become The Next 'Liberty City'

Article in March 4th, 2015 (click to enlarge):
Link to article on ->> If You Can't Fight City Hall, Make Your Own

The article in regarding Kingsbury, Texas and the Liberty City efforts in Texas.

The article in regarding Kingsbury, Texas and the Liberty City efforts in Texas.

The article in regarding Kingsbury, Texas and the Liberty City efforts in Texas.

The article in regarding Kingsbury, Texas and the Liberty City efforts in Texas.
The full article in the Seguin Gazette on March 1, 2015 (click to enlarge):

The article in the Seguin Gazette regarding the Judge's order for an incorporation election for Kingsbury, Texas.

Second half of article regarding the Judge's order for the incorporation election for Kingsbury, Texas

The article in the Seguin Gazette regarding the Judge's order for an incorporation election for Kingsbury, Texas.
Article in February 27th, 2015:
Kingsbury may officially become a city; Incorporation election set for May 9th
(Kingsbury) -- Guadalupe County may one day welcome the City of Kingsbury. Guadalupe County Judge Kyle Kutscher Friday morning ordered the call for a May 9, 2015 election to decide the Kingsbury Incorporation Committee's (KIC's) request for an “incorporation” election for the proposed City of Kingsbury.
Judge Kutscher says the Kingsbury Incorporation Committee delivered its application package to his office last Monday morning.
KIC Committee Chair Shirley Nolen says the group is excited about giving the citizens on the east end of the county the opportunity to have their voices heard.
Nolen says the May election will, no doubt, be a historic event for the Kingsbury community which has a 130 plus year history. She says the focus now of the committee is to get the word out to all eligible voters.
According to the committee, 296 people currently reside in the proposed city limits. Of those individuals, 170 are registered voters. To be successful, they'll need 50 percent plus one voters to come out in favor of the new city. That's approximately 86 people.
Link to article on ->> Kingsbury May Officially Become A City