Kingsbury Texas Inaugural City Commission Meeting
The first ever Kingsbury City Commission Meeting was held Saturday, November 21st, 2015 in the Fellowship Hall of the Kingsbury Baptist Church. It was a packed house with citizens of Kingsbury, friends, family, and visiting officials. Senator Judith Zaffirini attended and presented the new City Commission with beautiful framed certificates, and the Mayor with a gavel like those used in the Senate.
Mayor Shirley Nolen being sworn in to office by Guadalupe County Commissioners Court Judge Kyle Kutscher.

Mayor Shirley Nolen swearing in Kingsbury City Clerk Nelda Hotchkiss.

Mayor Shirley Nolen swearing in City Attorneys Sam Drugan and Art Martinez de Vara.

Guadalupe County Commissioners Court Judge Kyle Kutscher swearing in City Commissioners Alison Heinemier and Janet Ignasiak.

Mayor Shirley Nolen receiving gift of gavel and sound block from Senator Judith Zaffirini.

Mayor Shirley Nolen and Senator Judith Zaffirini.

Senator Zaffirini, Judge Kutscher, and Guadalupe County Commissioner Greg Seidenberger.

New City Commission enjoying Senator Zaffirini's presentation.

The selection of Mayor Pro Tem the "Kingsbury Way" - by Rock-Paper-Scissors!

City Commissioner Alison Heinemier receiving certificate from Senator Zaffirini.

Mayor Nolen's reaction to new gavel.

City Attorney Sam Drugan presents government of a Type-C Liberty City.

Rock-Paper-Scissors - best 2 out of 3 for Mayor Pro Tem.

Commissioner Heinemier excited over being "appointed" Kingsbury Mayor Pro Tem.